Christmas trees bad for the climate?

Hello, I just read an article about whether Christmas trees is bad for the climate in Germany. In summary, it is about 30 million per year were sold in Germany. 90% of them come from Germany. The rest from Denmark, Austria, Poland or the Czech Republic. Most Germans, want a real conifer. The most popular tree is the Nordmann fir. The second favorite tree was the spikier blue spruce , which is strictly speaking a spruce.Both species do not occur naturally in this country. In Germany, these species are mainly grown on plantations. For this it needs water, space and a lot of fertilizer. It is precisely this type of cultivation that not only harms soils, waters and ecosystems, but can even harm health. At the end, a study shows “how good or bad the life cycle assessment” of the variants is. If the tree is imported from a distant country, the CO2 footprint due to transport is correspondingly larger. It is more climate-friendly to buy a tree that has grown in your own region. Even better for climate and environment are trees that have grown naturally and come directly from the forest in the region. I have personally never really dealt with it and find it quite interesting that such a fir tree can harm the climate and even ourselves. We also get ours from the region every year. Do you pay attention to where you get your tree?



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