Getting to know Malchin

On the first real day after the arrival of the students from South Africa, the aim was to get to know Malchin a little better. We did this with the help of the Actionbound app. Other students have created a city rally for us throughout Malchin, We ran in groups through the city and besides the educational factor there was also the sporting part, because Malchin is bigger than you think. This Rally led us, for example, to Malchin’s harbour or to the church. Even we students from Malchin could learn a lot about our hometown. The end of the rally was at the town hall, where our second point of the day was, namely we had the chance to talk to the mayor of Malchin, Axel Muller. He informed us about the history of Malchin, as well as about the further changes planned in Malchin. A central point of discussion was the planned re-wetting of the meadows on the outskirts of the city. At the end of the conversation, of course, we took a group photo together with the mayor.


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