Two weeks of exchange

Good afternoon South africa and german.This video is about the things ive learnt during the 2 weeks exchange program and the things ive learn is that its ohk to make mistakes and that every mistake is a steppingstone to learning something new and no matter where we come from or what weve been through we are all still the same and when we work together we can achieve big things and make ťhe impossible possible but the most important thing i have learnt is that with one small seed you can feed the entire community and the best experience i had within the 2 weeks was the Robben Island trip where i learnt alot more about our south african history and the highlight was district six. District 6 is a place where mixed communinties lived and they were forcibly removed and their home was flatten by bulldozers. Ive also learnt more about permaculture,bed preperation and plant propogation but the highlight of this whole program is that it thought me to be myself and to be the change that i want to see in the world.and what im going to do with the knowledge ive gained is that ill start my own permaculture garden at home and ill teach my friends and family more about substainability.


Cape town


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